Sourcebook of United States Executive Agencies, Second Edition (with David E. Lewis). 2018. Washington, DC: Administrative Conference of the United States.
“Don’t Sweat the Details!: Enhancing Congressional Committee Capacity Through The Use of Detailees.” (with Russell W. Mills). 2017. Legislative Studies Quarterly 42(4):611-636.
“What Makes an Agency Independent?” 2015. American Journal of Political Science 59(4):971-987.
“Influencing the Bureaucracy: The Irony of Congressional Oversight.” (with Joshua D. Clinton and David E. Lewis). 2014. American Journal of Political Science 58(2):387-401.
Sourcebook of United States Executive Agencies (with David E. Lewis). 2012. Washington, DC: Administrative Conference of the United States.
“The House as a Stepping Stone to the Senate: Why Do So Few African-American House Members Run?” (with Gbemende Johnson and Bruce I. Oppenheimer). 2012. American Journal of Political Science 56(2):387-399.